I am convinced the best stories are those my God has written and is still writing …

A note from Natascha
Sounds to Heaven was conceived at Davids Tent in 2023 while I was marvelling at the screens at the sound desk, the sound waves floating up and down as the music was playing. - What would it look like if we could take the visual of sounds that are precious to us and put them into a print? Something we could wear, something to place in our homes, spark conversations and remind ourselves of the promises of God, our cries and our laments our adorations and his faithfulness. After a painful season of sitting and waiting, when I thought I had nothing left. In June I felt the push of ‘Why not now? Give it a go!’ And this shelved idea I thought would be realised in years to come started to grow into a dream.
There was nothing I could think of that would be more fitting than beginning with the sound created by my talented friend Enyo, who has been so generous in letting me use her song ‘Promises’ which became one of my most listened to songs of 2023 as I put it on repeat to soak my soul in the truth that circumstances were making me forget.
So here I offer my first little seed - Promises. The world is filled with art inspired by astrology, Greek mythology, paganism the list goes on. However I am convinced the best stories are those my God has written and is still writing, and I am so excited to continue on this journey of creating beautiful designs for you to enjoy that incorporate these stories, symbolisms and the sounds we mere mortals make to Heaven this side of eternity.
Currently I am bursting with the next ideas and concepts and trying not to wish 2025 away as I am excited to realise them.
I hope you can journey with me.
Natascha xx
About the Print
Inspired by the beautiful song Promises by Enyo, this print offers a message of hope in troubled times. It speaks of God’s faithfulness to each of us and His promise that the best is yet to come. This sentiment is reflected in every detail of the pattern. From the incorporation of the Iris - symbolic of faith, hope, wisdom and promise - to the transcendent lifecycle of a butterfly, whose transformation from a caterpillar epitomises these optimistic themes. Also featured, are sections of sound wave from Promises; sometimes in fragments which reference specific lyrics, and other times used in its entirety to form a border. Let this print serve as a reminder to you that
His promises are true.
What we speak is important.
The heart at ‘Sounds to Heaven’ is taking inspiration from special messages, music often being a powerful tool us humans use, and transform the audible medium into something visual.
A note from Enyo
Enyo (pronounced ‘Ehn-Yaw’), is a singer/songwriter and worship leader based in Manchester, UK. She is passionate about using her whole life to glorify God and make Him known. Her hope is that the art she creates would meet people where they are and lead them into the presence of God, where they will find all that they need.
Her songs carry the sound of peace, hope, and restoration for weary souls. She invites you to integrate the hope-filled melodies into every moment of your day and let them stir your hearts awake to love and lead you into the presence of God. May you find peace in Him.
‘‘Promises’ is a song for the weary and the broken-hearted. In a world full of so many tempo ‘Promises’. In a world full of so many temporary loves that come and go like the wind, the promise of the Lord that He will never leave us or forsake us is a healing balm to a lonely and broken world. Inspired by the passage in Exodus 34:6-7, I wanted to capture the joy of realising that no matter what I face and no matter how far away I feel from God- I can trust in His faithful love to always be with me. When I fall apart, He's the one who picks me up. When I'm full of worry or doubt, it's His name that goes beyond my fears and saves me. Even if I have messed up or not loved Him rightly, His love covers all and His mercies are new every morning. So I can come afresh to Him and praise Him because I know that He is faithful and true and all His ways are good. And that when we call out to Him, He immediately turns His face towards us and gives us strength ( Psalm 86:15-16). My hope is that people would feel engulfed by this faithful and unchanging love that God has for each of us.’
You can connect with Enyo on instagram @enyo.music
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